Self-consumption with Solar Panels

Nowadays, with the electricity rates imposed on us, we see prices increasing dramatically. One of the responses to this price hike would be the installation of solar panels in our homes to reduce our grid consumption.


Solar Panel Installation Companies

The companies we are going to mention are only a part of the active companies. We invite you to search if the companies on the list do not meet your needs.



Current Tariff for Surplus from My Solar Installation in Spain

Currently, several companies in Spain offer tariffs to buy surplus solar production. It is recommended to negotiate these tariffs well, as they can vary considerably from one company to another.

  • 0.09 €/kWh on average in the regulated market and 0.10 €/kWh in the free market.


How Much Do Companies Pay for Surplus from My Solar Installation

You will have companies that will offer to buy your surplus at ridiculous prices. We advise you to inquire about the value of your surplus. Companies will offer you different prices, and what you should do is negotiate the price before signing, as prices vary considerably.


Calculation of Our Consumption

 To calculate the consumption of your home, you must add up the consumption of our appliances:

  • Dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, electric oven, ...Estimated consumption time for each electrical appliance.

Estimation in kW of Household Consumption:

  • 2 people, from 3.45 kW to 4.7 kW
  • 3 people, from 4.70 kW
  • 4 people, from 4.7 kW to 5.85 kW
  • 5 people, from 5.85 kW


For Your New Home

We have allowed ourselves to propose a series of properties to you. Click here to consult our list of new and second-hand properties.