Das Handelszentrum La Florida

La Florida Shopping Centre: An international corner in Orihuela Costa


Address: Calle Escorpio, Orihuela Costa, 03189

Welcome to Centro Comercial La Florida, a vibrant commercial enclave that has been an integral part of life in Orihuela Costa since its establishment in 1985. Founded by a diverse group of shop owners from all over the world, the shopping centre has flourished as a meeting point for the community and an emblematic place for those looking to start a new life in La Florida.

Diversity and Family Quality:

All of the businesses in La Florida Shopping Centre are family-run, offering a wide range of services and products. From real estate to consultancies, lawyers, hardware stores, hairdressers, beauty salons to restaurants of various types, each establishment is unique, reflecting the cultural richness and diversity of the owners.

Welcoming atmosphere:

Experience the true essence of La Florida as you explore the lively and energetic corridors. Enjoy live music, discover pubs and venues with a unique family atmosphere. Follow the five stars that guide your way through the variety of offerings the centre has for you.

Business List:

  1. Immobilien "Rosamh" www.rosamh.com
  2. Berater und Consultants www.legalhelpservices.es
  3. Bufete de Abogados "JurisGlobal" Asesor José Manuel Gonzalez Y Suarez Asesores S.l. - Telefon und Anschrift: Empresite (eleconomista.es)
  4. Eisenwarengeschäft "Herramientas del Mundo" Eisenwarengeschäft www.grupoimpar.es
  5. Schönheitssalon "Estilo Único" Schönheitssalon https://m.Facebook.com/peluqueriaesteticalaflorid
  6. Schönheitssalon "Belleza Natural" (Natürliche Schönheit)
  7. Autovermietung www.juniorcar.es
  8. Gaststätten:
  9. Unterhaltung:
    • Live-Musik "Sonidos del Mundo" (Klänge der Welt)
    • Kneipen "Family Corner


Entdecken Sie La Florida, wo jede Ecke eine Geschichte erzählt und jedes Geschäft zum Reichtum dieser internationalen Gemeinschaft beiträgt. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß bei Ihrem Besuch!


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